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Phang Nga Background PDF พิมพ์ อีเมล์
เขียนโดย วิทวัส อันตาผล   
พฤหัสบดี, 07 เมษายน 2016

According to Chronicles, before the Rattanakosin Period,                     Phang Nga was a district dependent to Takuapa City.

In the reign of King Rama 1st the Great of the Ratanakosin                Period, it was upgraded to be of the same status as Takuapa and      Takuathung and was transfered from the Harbour Department          to be administered by the Defense Department.

King Rama 3rd, in wishing to restore outpost towns on the West coast that were attacked by Burmese Troops, appointed a civil officer to rule the city and had it dependent directly to Bangkok.

Phraya Borrirakphuthon (Saeng Na Nakorn) was appointed the first ruler of Phang Nga in 1840.

Later, Takuathung was made a district dependent to Phang Nga.

In the reign of King Rama 7th, there was an economic recession, Takuapa wad made another district administered by Phang Nga Province by the resolution of governors' Meeting of the Phuket Circle of 1931. Originally, the government centre of Phang Nga was located at Ban Chai Khai.

Then, a city hall was constructed at Ban Thai Chang before a new one took shape near Tham Phung Chang and has stood there since 1972 until the present. 


Wittawat prepared 


คติชนวิทยา  พังงาศึกษา  

แก้ไขล่าสุดเมื่อ ( พุธ, 19 ตุลาคม 2016 )
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